
Die Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft bietet in Kooperation mit der Professional School of Education und in Zusammenarbeit mit dem DSLV NRW verschiedene Fort- und Weiterbildungen für Lehrende im Schuldienst aller Schulformen, Referendar*innen, Studierende des Lehramts (Bachelor und Master) sowie Begleitpersonen schulischer Veranstaltungen an.

Verantwortliche Lehr- und Forschungsbereiche

Sports practice is the main focus here - whether in transfer projects or in courses. Students gain insight into a wide variety of sports and areas of exercise and acquire the didactic and methodological knowledge required to teach them.

How does the subject of physical education contribute to society? Is it capable of facilitating inclusion? Is there a preventive effect against addiction and aggressive behaviour? These are questions that the teaching and research area of sport didactics and pedagogy deals with.

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