- German Society for Sports Medicine and Prevention (including current recommendations on various sports medicine topics; links to university institutes of sports medicine)
- The International Federation of Sports Medicine (e.g. regular newsletter)
- American College of Sports Medicine (including statements on numerous sports medicine topics, regular newsletter)
- European College of Sport Science (the European Association for Sport Science with annual congress, webinars, large community)
- American Society of Exercise Physiologists(e.g. Journal of Exercise Physiology online)
- Austrian Society for Alpine and High Altitude Medicine (including information on various sports medicine aspects of mountaineering)
- German Society for Mountain and Expedition Medicine (BExMed);
Sports medicine journals
- German Journal of Sports Medicine (including online journal articles)
Organisations and institutions in the field of sport and sport science
- German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) (including links to all german sports federations and to the federal state sports federations)
- International Olympic Committee (IOC) (e.g. comprehensive information on the Olympic Games since 1896; list of all international sports federations - useful e.g. for finding current world records; detailed information on the topic of "doping")
- Federal Institute for Sport Science (including new literature publications, information on the topic of "doping", links to the Olympic training centres)
- German Association for Sport Science (dvs)(including links to sports science higher education institutions in Germany, Austria and Switzerland; "dvs-online information" - a journal published quarterly by the german association for sport science until 2005)
- Institute for Biochemistry of the German Sport University Cologne (wealth of current information on the topic of "doping"; including teaching materials on doping education for children and young people)
Libraries / Databases
- German Institute for Medical Documentation and Information (including links to various life science databases and numerous libraries and library networks)
- German National Library of Medicine (Cologne) (more than 1.5 million books and journal volumes available, approx. 6000 journals continuously subscribed to, including links to various medical databases and dictionaries; subject-specific new acquisitions lists)
- United States Library of Medicine (Access to the PUBMED database with more than 23 million documents from all fields of medicine, mostly available as abstracts).
- German National Library of Medicine (Cologne) (more than 420000 volumes or media available, approx. 1500 journals continuously subscribed)
- Sport Science online (sports science search engine of the Institute for Applied Training Science in Leipzig) (including access to SPOWIS - Sportwissenschaftliche Literatur 1960-1995: database with approx. 120000 documents with a focus on applied training science)
Publishers and bookstores with sport science literature
- Sportverlag Strauß
- Verlag Human Kinetics (USA) (one of the most important publishers of sports science literature worldwide) (including numerous links in all sports science subfields)
Miscellaneous from sports medicine and sports science
Various topics from sports medicine and sport science
- American Optometric Association (including information on the topic of "Vision and Sport")
- Scholarly Sports Sites (Links to all sub-disciplines of sports science incl. institutions, electronic publications, libraries, databases etc. worldwide)
- Sportscience – A Peer-Reviewed Site for Sport Research (e.g. Journal Sport science with articles on sports medicine as well as training and exercise science topics; an extensive collection of links to sub-areas of sports medicine as well as all sports science sub-disciplines)
- Federal Ministry of Health
- Federal Statistical Office (e.g. Federal Health Reporting)
- WHO: World Health Organisation (including information on numerous health-related topics; health statistics from all over the world)