Disease - Injury - Maternity leave
Students have a legal right to take individually modified, equivalent examinations due to frequent or permanent physical or mental limitations, chronic diseases and maternity protection regulations (HG NRW § 64 Abs. 2)
An application for disadvantage compensation for practical sport-related courses and examination achievements can be submitted if the planned graduation is at risk due to the proven disadvantage. Usually, this applies to the intended final semester. In principle, compensation for a disadvantage is only granted until the end of the semester in which the application is made, and must be reapplied if it is not claimed.
The first contact person for students is the respective subject or course director. They can decide at their discretion on the postponement of examinations or the granting of equivalent, (slightly) modified examinations.
In cases where the department head cannot or does not wish to arrange the above sense, the student must submit an informal application for disadvantage compensation to the examination board of the Faculty of Sport Science.
The application must be addressed to the head of the examination board (Prof. Dr Andreas Luh) and can be sent via post or (as a scan) via e-mail.
If possible, a request for disadvantage compensation should be submitted up to four weeks before an upcoming examination date and must include:
The examination board decides on the further procedure and informs the parties involved in the procedure (applicant, head of the department) about the result.
Dr Hubert Remmert (Examinations Office of the Faculty of Sports Science) will answer questions regarding the compensation for disadvantages and the application procedure.