Examination Office of the Faculty of Sport Science

The Examinations Office administrates the students' achievements and regulates the admission and execution of module examinations. Another purview is the approval of course achievements, assigning students to subject-specific semesters, and dealing with disadvantage compensation regulations.

Pruefumgsamt abschlussarbeiten.jpg

Hier finden Sie wichtige Informationen, Ordnungen, Modulhandbücher und Formulare zu Prüfungen und Studienabschlüssen an der Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft. Außerdem werden offizielle Bekanntmachungen an dieser Stelle veröffentlicht.

Notes and websites


  • Plagiarism
    As presented on the website, copying the wording or intellectual content of third parties is can result in serious consequences.
  • Lateral entry into a degree program
    The pages of the Central Student Advisory Service provide information on lateral entry into a degree program.
  • Financing of studies Counseling concerning social and financial aspects of the Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB)
    BAföG, DAKA-NRW and KfW student loan, other questions about financing of studies.


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