Promoting young talents in sport science

The promotion of young researchers is our special concern. Bachelor and master students learn to actively conduct research by developing their own questions, working on them in teams and presenting them.

Tailwind for young talent

We support Bachelor's and Master's graduates at an early stage in presenting their research results at national and international conferences and congresses. The interfaculty RUB Research School enables young scientists not only to successfully complete their doctoral projects, but also to gain comprehensive qualifications beyond the boundaries of their own discipline.

The master's programme provides studies with a high quality, research-oriented education that considers the requirements of relevant practical fields. Students will learn practical skills als well as they will gain knowledge for the design of training programmes.


Möchten Sie sich über den Masterabschluss hinaus in der Sportwissenschaft weiterqualifizieren? Die Fakultät bietet Ihnen interessante Möglichkeiten für die Promotion und Habilitation.

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