eHealth and Sports Analytics

This study and research area explores, among other things, psychological and neurobiological mechanisms of the interplay between movement and health in everyday life. The aim is to create basic knowledge in order to keep people mentally and physically healthy through movement.

In order to answer a wide range of research questions in an ecologically valid and neurobiologically sound manner, we combine methods from sport science, psychology, neuroscience and geoinformatics. Thus, we are able to record psychological everyday mechanisms by means of ambulatory assessment and investigate their biological basis with the help of laboratory methods.

Prof. Dr. Markus Reichert, head of eHealth and Sports Analytics

This educational and research area is characterised by the development and use of multidisciplinary combinations of methods from sport science, psychology, neuroscience and geoinformatics.

How do I plan my own study? Which aspects are important to keep in mind when collecting data? The eHealth and Sports Analytics teaching and research area oversees the methodology training at the Faculty of Sport Science as well as the lectures on digitisation in sport.

Selected publications
  • Reichert, M.*, Braun, U.*, Gan, G., Reinhard, I., Giurgiu, M., Ma, R., Zang, Z., Hennig, O., Koch, E. D., Wieland, L., Schweiger, J., Inta, D., Hoell, A., Akdeniz, C., Zipf, A., Ebner-Priemer, U. W.*, Tost, H.*, & Meyer-Lindenberg, A.* (2020). A neural mechanism for affective well-being: Subgenual cingulate cortex mediates real-life effects of nonexercise activity on energy. Science advances, 6(45), eaaz8934.
  • Tost, H.*, Reichert, M.*, Braun, U.*, Reinhard, I., Peters, R., Lautenbach, S., Hoell, A., Schwarz, E., Ebner-Priemer, U.*, Zipf, A.*, & Meyer-Lindenberg, A.* (2019). Neural correlates of individual differences in affective benefit of real-life urban green space exposure. Nature neuroscience, 22(9), 1389–1393.
  • Gan, G.*, Ma, R.*, Reichert, M., Giurgiu, M., Ebner-Priemer, U. W., Meyer-Lindenberg, A., & Tost, H. (2021). Neural Correlates of Affective Benefit From Real-life Social Contact and Implications for Psychiatric Resilience. JAMA psychiatry, 78(7), 790–792.
  • Reichert, M.*, Schlegel, S.*, Jagau, F., Timm, I., Wieland, L., Ebner-Priemer, U. W., Hartmann, A., & Zeeck, A. (2020). Mood and Dysfunctional Cognitions Constitute Within-Subject Antecedents and Consequences of Exercise in Eating Disorders. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics, 89(2), 119–121.
  • Reichert, M., Tost, H., Reinhard, I., Schlotz, W., Zipf, A., Salize, H. J., Meyer-Lindenberg, A., & Ebner-Priemer, U. W. (2017). Exercise versus Nonexercise Activity: E-diaries Unravel Distinct Effects on Mood. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 49(4), 763–773.
  • Reichert, M., Gan, G., Renz, M., Braun, U., Brüßler, S., Timm, I., Ma, R., Berhe, O., Benedyk, A., Moldavski, A., Schweiger, J. I., Hennig, O., Zidda, F., Heim, C., Banaschewski, T., Tost, H., Ebner-Priemer, U. W., & Meyer-Lindenberg, A. (2021). Ambulatory assessment for precision psychiatry: Foundations, current developments and future avenues. Experimental neurology, 345, 113807.
  • Reichert, M., Giurgiu, M., Koch, E., Wieland, L. M., Lautenbach, S., Neubauer, A. B., von Haaren-Mack, B., Schilling, R., Timm, I., Notthoff, N., Marzi, I., Hill, H., Brüβler, S., Eckert, T., Fiedler, J., Burchartz, A., Anedda, B., Wunsch, K., Gerber, M., Jekauc, D., … Liao, Y. (2020). Ambulatory Assessment for Physical Activity Research: State of the Science, Best Practices and Future Directions. Psychology of sport and exercise, 50, 101742.

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