Research in training & exercise science

Which badminton drills are effective? How to test a goalkeeper? How to optimize the serve in tennis? What is effective about HIIT protocols and the ice barrel? We are working on five research areas in MoveLab of the faculty and on the sports field. Our diagnostics mobile takes us where we need to go.

What we research

Research area 1: Performance management in cycling, running and triathlon

Direction: Dr Florian Hanakam

  • Training documentation, monitoring and training control in professional triathlon
  • Individual control of load intensity in endurance training
  • Athletic training and running economy
  • Influence of ambient temperature and music motivation on performance and exercise tolerance
  • Interval training and performance physiology in childhood and adolescence
Selected publications

Ferrauti, A., Hanakam, F. Kranaster, D., Sandtler, H. & Tinnefeld, P. (2009). Der Schritt-Atem-Rhythmus zur Trainingssteuerung des Freizeitläufers: theoretische Begründung und Praktikabilität. Dtsch. Z. Sportmed. 60, 246.

Hanakam, F. (2015). Laufen und Herzfrequenz. Aachen: Meyer & Meyer.

Hanakam, F. & Ferrauti, A. (2020). Ausdauertraining. In A. Ferrauti (Hrsg.), Trainingswissenschaft für die Sportpraxis (S.345-404). Heidelberg: Springer.

Kolossa, D., Bin Azhar, M.A., Rasche, C., Endler, S., Hanakam, F., Ferrauti, A., & Pfeiffer, M. (2017). Performance Estimation using the Fitness-Fatigue Model with Kalman Filter
Feedback. International Journal of Computer Science in Sport, 16(2), 117-128.

Wiewelhove, T., Schneider, C., Döweling, A., Hanakam, F., Rasch, C., Meyer, T., Kellmann, M., Pfeiffer, M., Ferrauti, A. (2018). Effects of different recovery strategies following a half-marathon on fatigue markers in recreational runners. PLoS One, 13(11):e0207313. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207313.

Research area 2: Stress monitoring and regeneration management

Direction: Dr Christoph Schneider

  • Scientific evidence on the effect of regeneration interventions on performance and functionality of the working muscles (WVL project REGman)
  • Gender- and age-specific aspects of regeneration management
  • Monitoring of training load and athlete response
  • Heart rate and heart rate variability for vegetative status diagnostics
  • Evaluation of novel wearable technologies for athlete monitoring
  • Optical pulse measurement in swimming (BISp service project with the German Swimming Association)
  • Formulation of instructions for regeneration management in competitive sports practice
Selected publications

de Paula Simola, R.Á., Raeder, C., Wiewelhove, T., Kellmann, M., Meyer, T., Pfeiffer, M. & Ferrauti, A. (2016). Muscle mechanical properties of strength and endurance athletes and changes after one week of intensive training. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 30, 73-80.

Raeder, C., Wiewelhove, T., de Paula Simola, R.Á., Kellmann, M., Meyer, T., Pfeiffer, M. & Ferrauti, A. (2016). Assessment of fatigue and recovery in male and female athletes after 6 days of intensified strength training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Re- search, 30(12), 3412-3427.

Schneider, C., Hanakam, F., Wiewelhove, T., Döweling, A., Kellmann, M., Meyer, T., Pfeiffer, M. & Ferrauti, A. (2018). Heart Rate Monitoring in Team Sports-A Conceptual Framework for Contextualizing Heart Rate Measures for Training and Recovery Prescription. Frontiers in Physiology, 9, 639.

Wiewelhove, T., Döweling, A., Schneider, C., Hottenrott, L., Meyer, T., Kellmann, M., Pfeiffer, M. & Ferrauti, A. (2019). A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Foam Rolling on Performance and Recovery. Frontiers in Physiology, 10, 376.

Wiewelhove, T., Thase, C., Glahn, M., Hessel, A., Schneider, C., Hottenrott, L., Meyer, T., Kell- mann, M., Pfeiffer, M. & Ferrauti, A. (2020). Repeatability of the individual response to the use of active recovery the day after high-intensity interval training: A double- crossover trial. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, epub ahead of print.

Research area 3: Differentiated diagnostics in junior competitive sport

Direction: Nicola Volk

  • Differentiated reference ranges for physical and motor development in junior competitive sports of football, basketball and tennis.
  • Creation of athlete profiles for guideline-oriented individualised training control
  • Objectification of talent-sensitive and selection-relevant characteristics
  • Development, evaluation and standardisation of test procedures specific to sports games
  • Strength/speed-based profiling and training
Selected publications

Ferrauti, A., Sippel, A. & Stadtmann, T. (2010). Erfolgsbiographien deutscher Nachwuchstennisspieler – eine Verlaufsanalyse zur Entwicklung der Ranglistenposition im Altersgang. Leistungssport, 40(1), 58-62.

Knoop, M., Fernandez-Fernandez, J. & Ferrauti, A. (2013). Evaluation of a specific reaction and action speed test for the soccer goalkeeper. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 27(8), 2141-2148. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e31827942fa

Stadtmann, T., Remmert, H., Holst, T. & Ferrauti, A. (2011). Optimierung der Nachwuchsförderung im Deutschen Basketball Bund. Leistungssport, 41(3), 31-37.

Ulbricht, A., Fernandez-Fernandez, J., Mendez-Villanueva, A. & Ferrauti, A. (2016). Impact of fitness characteristics on tennis performance in elite junior tennis players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 30(4), 989-998. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000001267

Ulbricht, A., Fernandez-Fernandez, J., Villanueva, A. & Ferrauti A. (2015). The relative age effect and physical fitness characteristics in German male tennis players. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 14, 634-642. PMCID: PMC4541129

Research area 4: Athletic training in sports games

Direction: Jo-Lâm Vuong

  • Stress profiles in the sports games
  • Speed and the rapid change of direction in sports games
  • Pathway analysis of the intercorrelation of athletic subcomponents
  • Evaluation of innovative training aids and training devices (e.g. assisted versus resisted training)
  • Development of practical sports aids and video clips for training control
Selected publications

Fernandez-Fernandez, J., Ellenbecker, T., Sanz-Rivas, D., Ulbricht, A. & Ferrauti, A. (2013). Effects of a 6-week junior tennis-conditioning program on service velocity. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 12(2), 232-239.

Fernandez-Fernandez, J., Zimek, R., Wiewelhove, T. & Ferrauti, A. (2012). High-intensity interval training vs repeated-sprint training in tennis. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 26(1), 53-62.

Fett, J., Oberschelp, N., Vuong, J.‑L., Wiewelhove, T., & Ferrauti, A. (2021). Kinematic characteristics of the tennis serve from the ad and deuce court service positions in elite junior players. PLOS ONE, 16(7), e0252650.

Raeder, C., Fernandez-Fernandez, J. & Ferrauti, A. (2015). Effects of Six Weeks of Medicine Ball Training on Throwing Velocity, Throwing Precision, and Isokinetic Strength of Shoulder Rotators in Female Handball Players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 29(7), 1904-1914.

Raeder, C.,Vuong, J.‑L., & Ferrauti, A. (2020). Krafttraining. In Trainingswissenschaft für die Sportpraxis (S. 187-252). Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Ulbricht A, Fernandez-Fernandez J, Mendez-Villanueva A & Ferrauti A. (2016). Impact of Fitness Characteristics on Tennis Performance in Elite Junior Tennis Players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 30(4), 989-998.

Research area 5: Performance physiology in racket games

Direction: Antonia Edel

  • Differential analyses of aerobic, anaerobic-alactacidic and anaerobic-lactacidic energy metabolism in competitive play (project with the World Badminton Federation, WBF)
  • Training forms in high performance badminton: systematic analysis of load and stress under variation of load normatives (BISp project with the German Badminton Association, DBV)
  • Influence of anaerobic-lactacidic stress on stroke precision and stroke quality as well as on action and movement speed in badminton
  • Portable Spirometry, Indirect Calorimetry and Metabolic Power in Tennis and Badminton
Selected publications

Edel, A., Song, Yuchen., Wiewlhove, T. & Ferrauti, A. (2019). Activity profiles and physiological responses during match play in four popular raquet sports. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 1-11.

Fernandez-Fernandez, J., Kinner, V.J. & Ferrauti, A. (2010). The physiological demands of hitting and running in tennis on different surfaces. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 24(12), 3255-3264.

Ferrauti, A., Bergeron, M.F., Pluim, B.M. & Weber, K. (2001). Physiological responses in tennis and running with similar oxygen uptake. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 85(1-2), 27-33.

Ferrauti, A., Neumann, G., Weber, K. & Keul, J. (2001). Urine catecholamine concentrations and psychophysical stress in elite tennis under practice and tournament conditions. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 41(2), 269-274.

Ferrauti, A., Pluim, B.M. & Weber, K. (2001). The effect of recovery duration on running speed and stroke quality during intermittent training drills in elite tennis players. Journal of Sport Sciences, 19(4), 235-242.

Ferrauti, A., Weber, K. & Strüder, H.K. (1997). Metabolic and ergogenic effects of carbohydrate and caffeine beverages in tennis. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 37(4), 258-266.

Schneider, C., Wiewelhove, T., McLaren, S. J., Röleke, L., Käsbauer, H., Hecksteden, A. & Ferrauti, A. (2020, July 22). Monitoring training and recovery responses with heart rate measures during standardized warm-up in elite badminton players.PLoS ONE, 15(12), e0244412.

Wiewelhove, T., Conradt, F., Rawlins, S., Deacon, J., Meyer, T., Kellmann, M., Pfeiffer, M. & Ferrauti, A. (2020). Effects of in-play cooling during tennis match play in the heat on performance, physiological, and perceptual measures. The Journal of Sports Medi- cine and Physical Fitness, epub ahead of print.

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