Education in sports and exercise area

From badminton to sailboarding: In modules 2 to 4 (B.A. and B.Sc.) and 9 ("courses with specialisation" in the B.Sc.), students acquire and improve their knowledge of the practical, theoretical and didactic-methodological foundations of sport in a wide variety of sports and exercise fields.

Course offer

Our instruction takes place in the gym, on the sports field, in the water and in the snow. The offer includes the theory and practice of individual sports such as swimming, sports and racket games such as volleyball and nature/excursion sports of water and winter sports.

Examination regulations of the sports

Study and examination regulations of the sports and exercise fields of modules 2 to 4 (individual sports, sports games, nature sports and other exercise fields) and 9 (courses with specialisation).

Tutorials & practice hours

Information according tutorials and practice hours in the sports of modules 2 to 4.

Thesis topics

Thesis topics of the staff of the sports and exercise area.

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